One of the most common questions asked by our customers is ,"can you sharpen serrated knives".
The answer is yes, and we have two approaches to this task.
If we are presented with a knife in fairly good condition, it still has deep serrations and is not chewed up, we have a triangle ceramic hone that we use to sharpen the blade . This will restore a nice edge to the valleys and the mountains with a minimal amount of flattening of the serrated edge. This technique works great for awhile, but eventually the serrations will be worn down by use. Then it's time to re-serrate the knife.
We will re-serrate any knife that has a chewed up edge or has lost it's mountains and valleys. We use a rotary grinding wheel with different size rounded edges to grind new serrations, creating a knife with equal or even better cutting ability than a new one.
So, don't toss that beat up serrated knife out. Resurrect it.
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